a gorgeous night out in toronto @ the Campbell House Museum. HAydn, Mozart, and The Wooden sky.6/3/2014 Friday night was a beautiful night in Toronto. I partnered up with the Campbell House Museum located on the northwest corner of Queen and University to put on an evening of live music. After living in Toronto on and off for the last several years it feels totally incredible to be able to put on a live music event in the city and it be so successfull. Of course it was amazing that the morning of the show I got a call from the museum saying that it was completely SOLD OUT, however the real reason it was successful is that people arrived shortly after 7:00 pm and many of them stayed out until midnight, and had an amazing time. I've been wracking my brain and dreaming about ways to put on amazing events for my friends, my community, my city, our world - it is not easy!!! All the ingredients have to be there - but basically what it comes down to is an awesome vibe. And maybe a bar to order a drink or two, alwasy helps!!! Well, thanks to Gavin Gardiner of the Wooden Sky, Keith Hamm, Alex Read, and Britton Riley we created a beautiful Vibe. I have these amazing gentleman to thank because for me music is all about collaboration. And not just amoungst ourselves, but also a collaboration with the audience. If you're not going to tell the audience a story, then why do they show up?? I want to share my love for the music, the city, the day, as do all of my amazing colleagues, and people come to be part of that!!! It's so exciting to find a team that is on the same page. and to have them also be absolute total world class rockstars is also a bonus. I can honestly say, look any of the guys up from the show on friday night for any show that they are apart of and you will not be dissapointed.
Let me also just take a moment to give a shoutout to the audience. Alot of them stayed for 5 hours to hear us play Haydn, Mozart, a set with the ever engaging and powerful vocalist and guitar player Gavin Gardiner, a Kitchen Jam, a friend Jenna Rogers sharing some of her songs, and Keith Hamm and I tearing up a fiddle tune or two.... THANK YOU!!! So, there is definitely more to come, I'm hoping to organize a couple of these shows next year at least, so stay tuned, let me know how you feel and what you want to hear, let me know what you love, until next time. yours truly, edwin
Tonight I had the pleasure of warming up my gut strings in the first orchestra tech rehearsal of Persée in the Opera House of the Palace of Versailles, home of the late King Louis XIV. This opera, written by Jean-Baptiste Lully, was first performed on April 18th in 1682 at the Théâtre du Palais-Royal in Paris. Now, hundreds of years later, Opera Atelier and Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra are bringing it back to France. The last time this opera was performed in Versailles was for Marie Antoinette's wedding in 1770.
As I find my way to the backstage area and drop off my case with the other musicians', I clutch my instrument with extra care as I travel through the rather treacherous looking backstage area to the pit. There is scaffolding everywhere, and the wooden planks we walk on as we head toward the pit are easily a hundred feet above the lowest level - where they used to store sets I believe. The crew is working out the flying rigs, and the dancers and singers are getting accustomed to the new stage, which is of a quite different stature then that of the Elgin Theatre, where we had our first run of performances in Toronto earlier this month. The Opera House feels like it is waiting for Kings and Queens to enter from the hallways and step into all the beautiful opera boxes four stories high. Opening night is on Friday! We are all so excited to share this incredible production with our friends, family and the people of Versailles. The adventure of Persée and Andromède awaits us... |
Edwin Huizingaon tour. kickin it. playin. Archives
January 2023